Robert and Chenchen

Un­like most mid­dle-aged Chi­nese wo­m­en, Chenchen likes to com­mu­ni­cate on­line and she is very good at it. Since she di­vorced her hus­band, she has lived with her daugh­ter and spends her days cook­ing and chatt­ing on­line. She is a very out­go­ing lady who is al­so very di­rect and want­ed to meet a per­son who would like­wise ex­press them­selves di­rect­ly.

One day, she saw Robert's pro­file on the dat­ing web­site. She was very in­ter­est­ed in this man from Cal­i­for­nia so she took the ini­tia­tive and be­gan to chat with him. Through their chats, they gra­d­u­al­ly got to know each other and in­creas­ing­ly be­gan to like each other. When he learned that Chenchen had been di­vorced and had a daugh­ter, Robert did not mind at all and ac­cept­ed both her and her daugh­ter, which moved Chenchen very much.

Chenchen said that she had nev­er met such a gentle­man and that Robert is very con­sid­er­ate and al­ways takes care of her feel­ings. Chenchen's daugh­ter al­so add­ed, "Robert is very nice to my mother and I am hap­py that he and my mother are to­gether."

Af­ter near­ly two years of chatt­ing, they fi­nal­ly de­cid­ed to meet. Robert visit­ed Chi­na to meet Chenchen and their love sto­ry had a per­fect end­ing.

We wish them a hap­py mar­ri­age and a hap­py life to­gether.

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