Eni and Anahit

This is the sto­ry of a suc­cess­ful, ma­ture man who was at­tract­ed by the love­li­ness and charm of a beau­ti­ful Ar­me­nian wo­m­an.

It was the best ex­pe­ri­ence and a won­der­ful and un­for­gettable mo­ment for me when Eni, who is from France, came in­to my life. I have learned a lot from him. To me, he is a great ex­am­ple of how one should live one’s life, mak­ing de­ci­sions with­out he­s­i­ta­tion, tak­ing risks and on­ly look­ing for­wards.

Af­ter we had cor­re­spond­ed for a while, he came to vis­it me and, dur­ing the five amaz­ing days he spent in Ar­me­nia, we be­came so close and con­nect­ed so well with each other in a way that we would nev­er have been able to do by sim­p­ly writ­ing let­ters. Re­al life is dif­fer­ent. When you a meet a man face to face, you hear how he speaks, his tone of voice, how his fa­cial ex­pres­sions change dur­ing con­ver­sa­tions, you see how many times he will look at his watch and whether he will look in­to your eyes when he is talk­ing to you. All th­ese may seem to be just de­tails, how­ev­er they are all as­pects of a hu­man re­la­tion­ship that are too im­por­tant to ig­nore.

When we were to­gether, I sensed all of those things. I felt that we found each other in­ter­est­ing, that we had a lot of com­mon and we could al­ways find some­thing to chat about. I had found my­self a good, re­li­able, kind, hon­est and sup­por­tive friend. I am so hap­py that the in­ter­est that was sparked through our cor­re­spon­dence re­sult­ed in such a strong con­nec­tion be­tween us. Thank you for mak­ing this amaz­ing meet­ing pos­si­ble!

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