Mike and Termine

I would like to share my love sto­ry with you and tell you how I met this won­der­ful man who changed my life dra­mat­i­cal­ly. My love, my life, the mean­ing of my ex­is­tence is my Mike. He is my ev­ery­thing and I am so grate­ful to this site for bring­ing me so much hap­pi­ness. I have found what I was miss­ing from my life the most - love. Mike is my mo­ti­va­tion, in­spi­ra­tion and of­fers me great sup­port. He makes me hap­py as a wo­m­an. I have nev­er had such feel­ings be­fore and could nev­er have dreamed of hav­ing such a won­der­ful life. But this is re­al, Mike has made my life col­or­ful, full of pas­sion, love, sup­port and care. Now we have a won­der­ful child who re­al­ly is the cen­ter of our uni­verse and the mean­ing of our lives. It is so nice to feel the warmth that be­ing part of a fam­i­ly brings. I am so grate­ful to this site for mak­ing this dream come true by giv­ing me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet Mike and be­come the hap­pi­est wo­m­an in the world. Thank you!


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