Ethan and Fang

Ethan and Fang start­ed talk­ing to each other two years ago and say they com­plete­ly fell for each other.

Ethan is 70 years old and has a large fam­i­ly but, be­cause they live a long way from him, he felt very lone­ly a lot of the time. Ethan told us that Fang has been his savior who brings him joy and who makes his life so much bet­ter. Ethan al­so said that, when they met each other in Shenyang in Chi­na, he re­al­ized that Fang was al­so a very car­ing and un­der­s­tand­ing per­son. Now Ethan thanks God ev­ery­day for lett­ing him find such a won­der­ful lady on our web­site.

Fang is a mother of two and a grand­mother to three who has de­vot­ed her whole life to her fam­i­ly. She has al­ways tried to make other peo­ple hap­py but, when her hus­band died, she de­cid­ed it was time to chase her own hap­pi­ness. Then she met Ethan and now she’s to­tal­ly crazy about him even though lan­guage is a huge problem for them. But this bar­ri­er was eas­i­ly over­come with a trans­la­tor’s help, you can see him in the pic­ture. It proves that true love has no ob­s­ta­cles!

They are cur­rent­ly try­ing to build a life here in Chi­na and we wish them a won­der­ful life to­gether.

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