Jose and Nataly

Na­ta­ly has been a mem­ber of the agen­cy since last year. This is a long time for a lady to stay on our database with­out any­body show­ing any in­ter­est but then José saw her pro­file. He called the of­fice to ask if she was still sin­gle and avai­l­able. So Jose got in touch with Na­ta­ly and they be­gan to chat.

We want to share their love­ly sto­ry with you.

Jose is from Ecua­dor, he is a nurse and has lived in Spain for quite a long time... and Na­ta­ly is al­so from Ecua­dor.

In his own words Jose told us:

“I joined lots of web­sites and agen­cies that I found on­line and I that I saw ad­ver­tised. I was try­ing to meet a lady for a se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship but she had to be Lati­na. I think Latin wo­m­an are the most faith­ful and take fam­i­ly re­spon­si­bil­i­ties very se­ri­ous­ly. Al­so, all of them are very pret­ty.

But to my sur­prise I nev­er made con­tact or talked in re­al life with any girls from the other agen­cies and web­sites. The wo­m­en just didn’t re­spond… no­body was re­al or they weren’t avai­l­able to chat to.

That was un­til I found this agen­cy. They post­ed my pro­file on­line and im­me­di­ate­ly, on the same day, I be­gan to meet wo­m­en. It re­al­ly is a pro­fes­sio­n­al com­pany of­fer­ing a great ser­vice and a trans­la­tor was al­ways avai­l­able to help me.

Af­ter a few days on­line, I saw Na­ta­ly’s pro­file and pho­tos. I start­ed to write to her, she re­spond­ed to my let­ter and af­ter that we start­ed to talk a lot.

Thanks to this ser­vice I was able to find a love­ly girl and I hoped that we could en­joy more than on­line dat­ing so I trav­eled to Ecua­dor to meet her… We had a great date and now we are still in con­tact ev­ery day.

It is so nice to re­ceive good ser­vice when you are look­ing for a se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship. The ladies who be­long to the agen­cy are avai­l­able to chat to and talk with and you can see them by video too. That makes it easi­er to keep in touch with them.

I want to thank agen­cy ser­vices for the great site and their as­sis­tance. I am so hap­py to have met Na­ta­ly here.”

Na­ta­ly says:

“I re­plied to Jose be­cause he looked so cute in his pho­to! When he sent me the first mes­sage I was be­gin­n­ing to lose hope be­cause I had been with the agen­cy for many months but no­body had shown any in­ter­est in me. Jose started to write and when I responded he decided to book a phone call with me.

The next 2 weeks were crazy! I re­al­ly liked him and he told me that the fol­low­ing week he was com­ing to Ecua­dor to vis­it his daugh­ter and fam­i­ly he had here too. Jose is from Ecua­dor as well but he has lived in Spain many years...

When we saw each other in per­son, the at­mo­sphere was elec­tric. He is such a gentle­man and we had a great din­n­er date and a tru­ly won­der­ful time to­gether.

We are mak­ing plans to be to­gether and I am very grate­ful to this agen­cy for my mem­ber­ship and for all your ser­vices which make it so nice and easy to meet re­al peo­ple. Thanks for all your help!”

The agen­cy is proud to put peo­ple to­gether in re­al life.

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