Steve and Xue

‘When love is not mad­ness, it is not love.’

Xue is a vi­o­lin­ist who works in a mu­sic bar in Chi­na. She has the ro­man­tic tem­per­a­ment of an artist. Steve is a swim­ming coach from New Zea­land.

A year ago to­day, Steve first visit­ed the site and was at­tract­ed to this very spe­cial Chi­nese girl. Af­ter over three hours of un­ex­pect­ed­ly en­joy­able cor­re­spon­dence, Steve de­cid­ed to ap­p­ly to make a phone a call to Xue through the site. On that call, Steve pro­posed to Xue and, to his sur­prise and de­light, Xue hap­pi­ly said, "yes, I do!"

A year lat­er, Steve planned the wed­d­ing day on the an­niver­sary of their first meet­ing on the dat­ing site. The wed­d­ing dress he or­ganized for Xue fit her per­fect­ly. Wow!!! It was a wed­d­ing that amazed and enchant­ed Xue and, to this day, she still can't de­scribe the over­whelm­ing hap­pi­ness she feels.

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