Hans and Rong

Hans, 62, is a re­tired busi­­ness own­er who hand­ed his com­­pany to his son and who now spends his days en­joy­ing his hob­­by of pho­­tog­ra­­phy. Rong, 60, is a re­tired gov­­ern­­ment ad­min­is­­tra­­tor who loves to dance and who is dig­ni­­fied, el­e­­gant, soft­­­ly-spo­ken and has all the virtues of a tra­di­­tio­n­al Chi­­nese wo­m­an.

Hans was im­me­di­ate­­ly at­­trac­t­ed to Rong which made him un­­sure ex­ac­t­­ly how to say hel­­lo to his cho­sen god­dess but this did not stop him.

Hans took a deep breath and sent the most sin­cere in­­vi­­ta­­tion to the di­vine Rong, say­ing “Hey, I will ac­­com­­pany you to the park ev­ery day to watch you dance, and I want to take pic­­tures of you. I want to be your own per­­so­n­al pho­­to­g­ra­pher. Is that OK?" Rong was hap­py to agree.

Their first face to face meet­ing, af­ter com­­mu­ni­­cat­ing on the dat­ing site, was ar­ranged in a park which is where their jour­ney of love hap­pi­­ly be­­gan.

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