Travis and Daria

On this dat­ing web­site, I was hop­ing to meet the man of my life and, thanks to it, my dreams have come true.

It was 2017. Back in those days I did vis­it the site but I had no time for it be­cause of study­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty. But I met a man there, and I could not get him out of my mind so we found the op­por­tu­ni­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with each other and get to know each other bet­ter with the help of let­ters.

His name is Travis and he is from the USA, Chica­go. It sounds strange, but I kept ask­ing my­self if it was pos­si­ble to fall in love with a man just through cor­re­spon­dence. Now I know that it is pos­si­ble, and meet­ing him made me the hap­pi­est wo­m­an in the world. Just think about how amaz­ing it is: we are two peo­ple from com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent places in the world, but we found each other and fell in love! I be­lieve that fate brought us to­gether. We had been cor­re­spond­ing for about six months be­fore we agreed to meet in per­son. It was so ro­man­tic and ev­ery day I dreamt about our meet­ing and be­ing to­gether. We had got ac­quaint­ed in our let­ters and re­al­ized that we were made for each other. We wrote that we missed each other and I felt his sup­port and love even just through let­ters. We didn’t hear each other’s voic­es un­til the meet­ing and that on­ly fu­eled our ro­man­tic in­ter­est.

So, af­ter a mil­lion let­ters full of love and re­spect we fi­nal­ly met! He was awe­some! I had been a bit wor­ried be­fore the meet­ing but as soon as our eyes met I felt so calm, re­laxed and hap­py! He looked even bet­ter than in the pho­tos he had sent dur­ing our cor­re­spon­dence. And his voice was so man­ly and con­fi­dent. I saw that he was wor­ry­ing too and it won me over. At that first meet­ing we talked about ev­ery­thing. We had so much in com­mon and so many things to dis­cuss. I’ve nev­er laughed so much – this man has an awe­some sense of hu­mor! We didn’t want to say good­bye, we want­ed those mo­ments to go on for­ev­er. We walked down the street and saw a lake at the park where swans were swim­ming so we de­cid­ed to feed them and make a wish. They say swans that form a cou­ple will nev­er part, it is for life. I be­lieve that see­ing them on the day of our meet­ing was a good sign! When I re­c­ol­lect that day I feel so hap­py and it gives me so much pos­i­tive en­er­gy! I will nev­er for­get that day! Af­ter­wards, Travis said that ev­ery­thing went even bet­ter than he had ex­pect­ed. I knew my En­glish was very poor at that mo­ment, so we had a trans­la­tor to help us to com­mu­ni­cate. Now I at­tend a course where I’m learn­ing En­glish, so it’s easi­er for us to un­der­s­tand each other.

My life has changed so much since that meet­ing! Thanks to the site two peo­ple from dif­fer­ent sides of our plan­et met each other. This is a true mir­a­cle.


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