Ben and Ting

Next year will be the tenth an­niver­sary of the be­gin­n­ing of Ben and Ting's re­la­tion­ship. They met on this web­site nine years ago. Ben is an Amer­i­can fi­nan­cial an­alyst and Ting is a kin­der­garten teach­er in Chi­na. They are like a cou­ple of tee­nagers in love.

When Ben visit­ed this site, he was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tract­ed by the sim­ple and love­ly beau­ty of Ting. He stayed up all night to write a long love let­ter to her but wor­ried that Ting's En­glish lev­el may be limit­ed and that she would not un­der­s­tand. So, at the end of that long love let­ter, he add­ed, “My sto­ry is too long so I will keep it short in­stead - I have fall­en in love with you.”

When they even­tu­al­ly met face to face through our dat­ing site, Ting ten­der­ly held Ben and told him that, even though they had exchanged many let­ters and had talked of­ten for more than six months, she had al­ready been dee­p­ly moved by the last sen­tence of his orig­i­nal let­ter be­cause she tru­ly felt his sin­cer­i­ty and thought­ful­ness.

They were hav­ing great time, as Ting's old­er brother took them to many in­ter­est­ed places in Chi­na and they got to know each other bet­ter. From this day for­ward, Ben and Ting are so hap­py to­gether!

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