Cliff and Irina

This love sto­ry be­gan one au­tumn day in 2017… and then, af­ter that, Cliff and Iri­na com­mu­ni­cat­ed for a long time. Their re­la­tion­ship was like a fairy tale! Af­ter months of cor­re­spon­dence, Iri­na knew a lot about Cliff and he knew ev­ery­thing about her. More and more of­ten, the idea of fi­nal­ly meet­ing be­gan to crop up dur­ing their con­ver­sa­tions... And fi­nal­ly they agreed to meet in Odes­sa, the re­sort ci­ty of Ukraine.

They met on a sun­ny spring day in 2018. It was so fun­ny! In front of Iri­na stood a man who, from the out­side, ap­peared to be a com­plete stranger. Un­fa­miliar fa­cial fea­tures, un­fa­miliar scent and an un­fa­miliar tone of voice and yet… she knew al­most ev­ery­thing about him. Ap­par­ent­ly, this is one of the joys of on­line dat­ing!

Two days passed by very quick­ly dur­ing their time to­gether. They were chatt­ing, walk­ing in the park, vis­it­ing cafes and res­tau­rants. It seemed they had known each other for many years and they hard­ly no­ticed when it was time to say good­bye.

Even though they are se­parat­ed by hun­dreds of kilome­ters, they still cont­in­ue their com­mu­ni­ca­tion and are look­ing for­ward to their next meet­ing...

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