George and Lihua

Ge­orge and Li­hua met in an in­ter­est­ing and ro­man­tic way.

Ge­orge, a Ca­na­dian elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer, was a se­ri­ous man. He didn't come here to this site with any great ex­pec­ta­tions but his Chi­nese friends en­cour­aged him to try it.

One day, about two months af­ter he had signed up to the site, he came across Li­hua, who was a year old­er than him. He said ‘Hi’ to her and Li­hua an­sw­ered amus­ing­ly, ‘Hi, Ge­orge, say hel­lo to your Mrs. Di­nosaur for me.’

Ge­orge had orig­i­nal­ly planned to ask Li­hua doubt­ful­ly ‘Are you a re­al lady?’ but Li­hua's re­p­ly im­me­di­ate­ly made him laugh, be­cause Ge­orge in­s­tant­ly thought of Pep­pa Pig. Ge­orge said he fell in love straight away with this naugh­ty and child­like Chi­nese wo­m­an. He al­so gave Li­hua a very in­ter­est­ing En­glish name, Pep­pa, which has be­come Li­hua's spe­cial nick­name.

In less than a month, Ge­orge and Li­hua fell in love with each other and Ge­orge asked the site to ar­range his first trip to Chi­na to meet Li­hua. The ro­man­tic jour­ney was a suc­cess.

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