Alan and Elena

A love sto­ry with a for­eign­er… First dates are nev­er easy but a first date with a man from another coun­try is so much hard­er! It usu­al­ly in­volves mo­ments of awk­ward si­lence, the fear of hav­ing food stuck be­tween your teeth, won­der­ing if he’s no­ticed your ner­vous­ness or your new dress, think­ing you might have said some­thing re­al­ly stupid...

I’m sure you un­der­s­tand ex­act­ly what I mean! But not this time! The first date with Alan was just per­fect! Through­out our date he showed me the things there are to love about him - his pas­sion, his heart and his hu­mor.

He spent two weeks in my na­tive town. We spent to­gether ev­ery day!! We visit­ed a lot of places here... He showed me that he was not very good at sing­ing at all but was a re­al­ly great dancer! Ha-ha-ha...

No one has ev­er brought so much hap­pi­ness to my life but Alan. When I’m with him, I feel the love that I have nev­er known be­fore. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I hat­ed it when we had to part but I knew his young daugh­ter was wait­ing for him in Aus­tralia. I have been dream­ing about be­com­ing a part of their hap­py fam­i­ly! I hope I will have a chance to vis­it them both in their own coun­try soon. I just know that the se­cond part of our love sto­ry will have a hap­py end­ing!


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