Kishore and Qiao

Qiao and Kishore met each other on the dat­ing site and, since the very be­gin­n­ing, they wrote to each other ev­ery day. Kishore re­mained faith­ful to Qiao and he told us that, in all the time they were com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each other, he did not re­p­ly to any other lady on the dat­ing site. They wrote and chatt­ed with each other at a fixed time ev­ery day and for Kishore this was the hap­pi­est part of his day.

Af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for a few months, Kishore flew to Chi­na to meet Qiao and their first meet­ing was at the air­port to­gether with a mem­ber of our staff. They then went to a ho­tel where Kishore stayed for ten days. Ex­cept for when she was work­ing Kishore and Qiao spent ev­ery day to­gether and she in­tro­duced him to her daugh­ter who liked Kishore very much. They spent a hap­py time to­gether while he was in Chi­na.

While Qiao was at work, Kishore col­lect­ed her daugh­ter from school and he be­came very fond of them both. He want­ed them both to lean En­glish and then go to live with him in Aus­tralia and things are go­ing so well that Qiao and her daugh­ter are now plan­n­ing to move there.

We all wish them a hap­py life to­gether.

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