Frans and Anahit

I am Anahit and I would like to share with you my love sto­ry with Frans.

I reg­is­tered with this agen­cy be­cause I thought that it would be a good way to meet peo­ple, to meet the per­son I would love for the rest of my life. Ac­tu­al­ly it turned out to be the right de­ci­sion to join the site be­cause other­wise I wouldn’t have met my true love, my lov­ing and car­ing hus­band, Frans. I am so grate­ful that the site gave me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ful­fill my dreams and be com­plete­ly hap­py.

I re­mem­ber that our re­la­tion­ship be­gan with a cou­ple of let­ters. We wrote to each other and, day by day, I felt the need to com­mu­ni­cate with Frans more. I wan­t­ed to do so, in fact I need­ed to, so we start­ed writ­ing even more let­ters to each other, get­t­ing to know each other bet­ter and then Frans told me that he wan­t­ed to meet me in re­al life. I was so pleased to hear this and so he came to Ar­me­nia.

It was love­ly to see him be­side me af­ter we had cor­re­spond­ed for so long. The first and most im­por­tant thing was for him to meet my daugh­ter which was a dif­fi­cult time for me be­cause I didn’t know how she would re­act. How­ev­er, as it turned out, ev­ery­thing was just per­fect be­cause she wan­t­ed me to be hap­py so she ac­cep­t­ed our re­la­tion­ship. The best day of my life was when we had our first kind of fam­i­ly din­n­er. It is such an amaz­ing and un­for­gettable feel­ing when you feel loved and are with the peo­ple you are clos­est to.

Af­ter his vis­it, Frans and I de­cid­ed to get mar­ried and we had a small wed­d­ing with just close friends and rel­a­tives. It was ev­ery­thing I had al­ways dreamed of. I felt like a princess on the day and I was the hap­pi­est wo­m­an in the world. I am still so very hap­py now to have Frans as my hus­band and I am proud to have a warm, lov­ing fam­i­ly with him.

Thank you one more time for mak­ing me the hap­pi­est wife and mother in the world.


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