Pavan and Elena

The sto­ry of Ele­na from Rus­sia and Pa­van from In­dia be­gan in March 2016 when Pa­van found Ele­na on the dat­ing site. Al­though they exchanged sev­er­al let­ters, Pa­van was busy trav­elling with work so they stopped com­mu­ni­cat­ing for a while be­cause, with­out the chance of ac­tu­al­ly meet­ing, writ­ing let­ters didn’t make much sense to them.

This year, Pa­van de­cid­ed he would go to Rus­sia for the foot­ball World Cup and re­mem­bered the beau­ti­ful blond girl he had talked with two years ear­li­er. He had nev­er for­got­ten about her but had al­ways wor­ried she might re­ject him. It was on­ly when he had his Rus­sian visa and plane tick­ets to Mos­cow that he dared to write to Ele­na again. She was still sin­gle and she was sur­prised but al­so very hap­py to hear from Pa­van again and agreed to meet him. They start­ed to write each other let­ters ev­ery day and chat via video and the more they learned about each other, the more they re­al­ized how much they had in com­mon – both led a healthy life style, did yo­ga, searched for har­mony with na­ture and with peo­ple and just en­joyed life ev­ery day with­out look­ing back to the past and al­ways hop­ing for the best in the fu­ture.

Pa­van con­tact­ed our agen­cy and we ar­ranged his flight trans­fer, an apart­ment for him to stay in and an in­ter­preter for the cou­ple as they didn’t speak the same lan­guage.

At the be­gin­n­ing of their first meet­ing in re­al life both were very shy but it was not long be­fore they be­gan to chat like old friends who had known each other for many years. Ele­na likes cats very much so she took Pa­van to the li­on park at Tai­gan on the out­skirts of Sim­fer­opol where they both had a won­der­ful time. Pa­van ex­plored Rus­sian cui­sine, Rus­sian cul­ture and Rus­sian tra­di­tions with the help of Ele­na, they had lots of laughs and hap­py times to­gether.

Af­ter 10 days in Sim­fer­opol Pa­van left for Mos­cow to watch the foot­ball games that he al­ready had tick­ets for, but they stayed in con­tact, kept send­ing mes­sages ev­ery day, some­times sev­er­al times a day and were al­ready think­ing about their next meet­ing.

Pa­van ad­mitt­ed that he had nev­er met such a beau­ti­ful, open-mind­ed girl with so big a heart and love for life. Ele­na adored Pa­van’s sense of hu­mor and his generos­i­ty and in­tel­li­gence and the fact that he was a strong man who could solve any problem!


So, Pa­van plans to come back to Crimea again this sum­mer to spend more time with Ele­na and to see how their re­la­tion­ship de­vel­ops. Ele­na is al­so im­pa­tient­ly wait­ing for their next meet­ing and hopes it will hap­pen very soon.

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