Nicolas and Karina

Nicolas and KarinaHel­lo ev­ery­one,

I am Ni­cho­las and I would like to share my sto­ry with you about how I met my love­ly wife, Ka­ri­na.

I re­mem­ber the day when I saw her pho­to on the site. It was a love­ly pho­to and stood out for me im­me­di­ate­ly be­cause of her blonde hair which I liked a lot. At that mo­ment I told my­self, I want to talk to her and get to know her.

Of course it took time while we wrote let­ters and tried to get to know each other. I loved that pe­ri­od in our re­la­tion­ship, each let­ter con­tained a lot of love and I felt that love, that pos­i­tiv­i­ty that came from her let­ters. But it was another feel­ing com­plete­ly when we had a video chat and I could ac­tu­al­ly see her prop­er­ly. She was so beau­ti­ful, much more beau­ti­ful than in the pho­tos and she was al­ways smil­ing: that was what I liked most.

The next step in our re­la­tion­ship was meet­ing each other in per­son. That was some­thing amaz­ing. When I came to Ar­me­nia and met her I re­al­ly felt that warmth, love and pas­sion to­wards me. I was in love. We had a won­der­ful time to­gether in Ar­me­nia and that was when we de­cid­ed that Ka­ri­na need­ed to come to vis­it me as well and meet my fam­i­ly.

I re­mem­ber her ar­riv­ing at the air­port look­ing for me. It was nice to see her in my home­town. We had a lot of fun to­gether and we were so very hap­py. Af­ter on­ly a cou­ple of weeks we got mar­ried and we or­ganized a love­ly wed­d­ing par­ty, had fun and made that day un­for­gettable.

I am hap­py with my wife and I know I am lucky to have Ka­ri­na. Now that I have cre­at­ed my love­ly fam­i­ly I want to thank this site for help­ing me to find my hap­pi­ness.


Nicolas and KarinaNicolas and KarinaNicolas and Karina

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