David and Alena

I re­spect all men and I can't imagine my life with­out love. That is why I came here, to this site. On th­ese pages I met some­one spe­cial. His name is David. We spent a lot of time on-line, talk­ing about our dreams and mak­ing plans for our fu­ture to­gether. I think we need­ed each other – this wo­m­an and this man were made for each other. Ev­ery­one has their se­cond half some­where. David was mine! He was so far away and yet so close at the same time!

The most beau­ti­ful thing in a man is his lov­ing heart. I do not care about his age, the col­or of his eyes and hair. He was per­fect for me, and I was per­fect for him! He was beau­ti­ful in­side and could light up ev­ery­thing around him.

I could not wait to meet him!! And he visit­ed me!! He was so at­trac­tive, so kind!! We spent an amaz­ing time to­gether in my na­tive town! Din­n­ers, walks, kiss­es and hugs! I was so hap­py!!

My pas­sion is cook­ing and I want­ed to cook some­thing spe­cial and de­li­cious for him. I know that the easi­est way to a man's heart is through his sto­m­ach and it is a pi­ty, we had no time for this. But I am sure that ev­ery­thing could change soon! I feel that soon we will open the next page of our love sto­ry!



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