Steven and Aleksandrina

I be­lieve in love at first sight and when I saw Steven I knew that all I wan­t­ed was to be with him. His thought­­ful eyes and won­der­­ful smile caught my at­ten­­tion then and now I am re­al­­ly hap­py! I feel like my dream has come true, I have found a man who I feel com­­fort­able and safe with and we are very much in love!

From our first let­ters to each other I knew that we had a lot in com­­mon. I will nev­er for­get our first phone call, it was so fun­ny. I felt like a lit­­tle girl and my voice was trem­bling. Our first meet­ing, our first date and con­ver­sa­­tion - I re­mem­ber all th­ese and I sure­­ly can say that th­ese me­m­ories make me feel hap­py and make me smile ev­ery time I re­mem­ber when Steven first took my hand. We laughed a lot and felt that we had known each other for ages.

Our re­la­­tion­­ship be­­gan with friend­­ship and now we are be­­com­ing clos­er to each other with ev­ery day that we spend to­gether! Thanks to my mar­ri­age agen­­cy and their pro­fes­­sio­n­al staff, once again I be­lieve in love. We are still writ­ing our own sto­ry of love and we both re­al­­ly agree that the dat­ing site is a won­der­­ful op­­por­­tu­ni­­ty to find a soul­­mate.

I al­ways wan­t­ed to find a man and be­­come like a princess to him, it seems Steven was look­ing for some­one like me for a long time too! Love is a very spe­­cial feel­ing, it is more than some­thing that you can put in­­­to just words. I think that if you are re­al­­ly in love you are ready to do any­thing for your other half and I am very sure that Steven is the right man who will share with me his love and all his life. So I wish ev­ery lady to be­­come hap­py and to find a man who will make her smile ev­ery day!


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