Susanna and Dean

Our sto­ry be­gan the mo­ment we first start­ed chatt­ing with each other and from the very be­gin­n­ing I knew that this was the per­son I want­ed to be with. There was some mag­ic con­nec­tion be­tween us that guid­ed me ev­ery time I wrote to him.

Over three or four months we chatt­ed and wrote let­ters to each other. That was an im­por­tant time for me, gett­ing to know each other. I felt that my days start­ed with him and end­ed with him. We sche­d­uled cer­tain times when we could have video chats so that we had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to see each other live and ev­ery now and then we tele­phoned each other.

It was so nice to know that each day you were go­ing to talk to the per­son who you loved. It be­came more and more se­ri­ous and even­tu­al­ly Dean came to Ar­me­nia to meet me. The days spent to­gether in Ar­me­nia were amaz­ing; we had an un­for­gettable time trav­el­ing around and vis­it­ing vari­ous places of in­ter­est.

It was very im­por­tant that we did ac­tu­al­ly meet like this be­cause that was when we de­cid­ed to live to­gether, get mar­ried and start a fam­i­ly. Now I am very hap­py to have such a lov­ing and strong fam­i­ly. Thank you very much to this agen­cy for giv­ing me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to live a hap­py and pros­per­ous life.




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