Liana and Bary

Our sto­ry is a fan­tas­tic one. It ac­tu­al­ly starts at the point when I de­cid­ed to vis­it this site to find my soul­mate. A friend of mine had ad­vised me to give it a try so I did.

My first com­mu­ni­ca­tion with Bary was a chat then we be­gan to com­mu­ni­cate with each other more and more be­cause it seemed that we had so much in com­mon - in­ter­ests, un­der­s­tand­ing, our way of think­ing. We start­ed writ­ing let­ter­s and re­al­ly gett­ing to know one other.

Sev­er­al months lat­er, Bary came to my home­town to meet me. It was one of the hap­pi­est days of my life when I met him for the first time. I could not stop smil­ing, I was so hap­py, so emo­tio­n­al, com­plete­ly un­aware of any­thing else around me. We had a won­der­ful time to­gether in Ar­me­nia and, af­ter that, ev­ery­thing be­came much se­ri­ous be­tween us be­cause we re­al­ized that we want­ed to be with each other for­ev­er, to live to­gether.

So, even­tu­al­ly we got mar­ried and now I can say I am an in­cred­i­b­ly hap­py wo­m­an who has a won­der­ful hus­band and an amaz­ing lov­ing fam­i­ly. This is all I want­ed for my life.


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