Soli and Anush


I am Anush and I am so thank­ful to this site for their gener­ous sup­port in help­ing me to find my love­ly Soli and for us to now have a suc­cess­ful mar­ri­age.

I re­mem­ber the first day I re­ceived a let­ter from Soli and, while I was read­ing his let­ter, I felt that he was the man I would like to spend my life with. I could say re­al­ly say that it was love from the very first let­ter. My heart and soul told me that I was go­ing to mar­ry him.

Af­ter a while, when we had be­gun to know each other, Soli told me that he want­ed to meet me in re­al life. Of course I was so hap­py for that to hap­pen, I couldn’t be­lieve that we would fi­nal­ly meet and all that we had talked about to­gether would be­come a re­al­i­ty.

I re­mem­ber our first meet­ing. That was such a won­der­ful day. We were in the air­port, he came to me and we hugged each other as if we had known each other for years. It was such an in­cred­i­ble feel­ing, I can’t ex­plain it in words.

I was excit­ed and so very hap­py. I couldn’t be­lieve that this was re­al­ly hap­pen­ing. We had a won­der­ful time to­gether and dur­ing Soli’s vis­it we went to my home for him to meet my par­ents. They liked him a lot and I was so hap­py that we had my par­ents’ bless­ing.

Then we got mar­ried. We have a great mar­ri­age and ev­ery­thing is just per­fect. To­day I am so hap­py that I have such a good, kind, in­tel­li­gent, lov­ing hus­band and two won­der­ful sons. I love my life. Thank you for giv­ing me the gift of be­ing hap­py, ful­filled and loved.


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