Irina and Dave

Irina and Dave found each other with the help of Behappy2day on May 26th, 2011. They were introduced and started to exchange letters half a year ago when Irina just joined the site and made the first step towards her dream. This dream was to find a man who will take her in his hands and will never leave her without tender care and support. They were writing each other of their past, present and future, of their hopes and plans and with time they realized how much they have in common. But in any case the best way to check the strength of their relationships was to meet in person.
How much excitement captured the hearts of Irina and Dave when their saw each other for the first time. Dave crossed so many miles in order to tell Irina about his feelings. The first glance, the first smile, first word; they felt butterflies of the first date. They were walking along the city, two strangers from the different parts of the world. What was really interesting is that they hardly were able speak the language of each other but were able to understand each other. It felt like a miracle to them and their feeling for each other were blooming.
Irina invited Dave to her home and all the members of her family liked him very much as he turned to be a very sincere and open person with a huge optimism and a good sense of humor.
They were glowing of happiness while walking through the city holding hands and making the first steps towards a happy future. Now Irina and Dave keep speaking to each other in letters. They made only best impressions on each other and plan to organize a trip somewhere together. This will brings them closer and during this journey they will have a chance to know each other even better.
The agency gave a great support to Irina and Dave. BeHappy2Day helped them a lot in correspondence and also organized their first meeting which led to a developing relationship between two people who were so different at first but became so close at the end.
This story proves that in any case there should stay hope for a miracle. If two people believe in their happiness a real magic takes place.

Here’s Dave’s Letter

Irina and I started writing each other thorough your site in early January 2011 and it became clear we had many things in common and enjoyed writing each other. On May 24, 2011 I left my city to meet her in Poltava. I liked her city very much, so much green space and so rich with history, the weather couldn’t have been better and best of all Irina and I got along well right from the first moment we met, the only problem I had was I had not stayed in her city a little longer, I returned to my city on May 31, 2011.
I have booked and paid for a return trip to her city on August 18, 2011 and return to my city on September 7, 2011. We both look forward very much to this time together, we both hope our relationship grows into a wonderful future together. Irina is such a wonderful person and I am so glad I had the good fortune to meet her.

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