Anna and Ben

Hello everyone!

I am assuming because you are browsing this page of this website that, just like I did, you’re wondering whether or not to join. Just like you, I had read multiple successful stories of meetings and happy endings and thought – could that really happen to me? Now I have the answer and it's positive! Everything is possible! Everything just depends on you!

When I joined this website, I could never have imagined that things could develop so quickly - only a couple of letters and the man of my dreams is ready to travel from Hawaii to meet me in Kiev. I was fascinated by how straightforward he is but actually this is what I like in men - when they not only talk but they take action too.

We decided to meet as soon as possible after Ben landed in Kiev. Our meeting was organized by the local agency and the administration of the website – I’m very grateful for such smooth arrangements and help. We met in a nice cozy Italian restaurant and had a fantastic dinner which was accompanied by pleasant conversation and laughter.

At the moment we are continuing our communication and we will see what the future holds for us. Frankly, I have fantastic memories of the meeting and I’m very thankful for such an opportunity. I’m happy that I found the agency and the website that can truly unite hearts! I highly recommend you try looking for your love here - you are bound to fall in love!


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