Jing and Mat

Hello everyone,

Jing and Mat fell in love on our site.

Jing is a Chinese woman from a traditional family. She was once married and has a 10-year-old son. Jing is a very family-oriented person who wants both to give her son a happy life and build a better family with her future beloved. For a long time she was very lonely and couldn’t find a man with whom she could feel happy and share her love with. That is why Jing decided to join this website in the hope that she would find someone special to her heart.

Here Jing found Mat and fell in love with him very quickly and luckily, Mat loved her in return. Mat is from Canada, very far from China we might say. He has been lonely for over ten years which is very long time for a person who always really just wanted to love and be loved.

Mat was ready to love again so he joined the website and fell in love with a pretty Chinese woman, Jing. He says that Jing is the best woman he has ever met. Now they are living happily together.

Jing and Mat 

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