Valeriya and Antonio

We met online and basically fell in love with each other immediately. The moment I knew I was in love with him was when I realized I’d call him just to hear his voice. It took us about a month to organize our first date. I like to travel so we decided to meet in France. We spent two weeks together in Paris! It was the most romantic adventure of my life! On our first date, we went to his favorite restaurant where he ordered a steak and a fully loaded baked potato . The waiter turned to me and I simply said, “I’ll have what he’s having.” You know, that’s true love!!

I dream of going to visit him again soon! I know he is the man of my dreams and I have found in him my true friend too! I can say just one thing for sure, love is no fairy tale, so stop looking for a your perfect partner. Just listen to your heart and you will find your happiness!

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