Rob and Sha

Rob and Sha met on our site and now they are already married!

Rob is a single dad to three kids. He is a good father who loves his family very much. He wanted to find a kind lady who could help him love and look after his kids. He works hard as an engineer and has a comfortable and stable life. He needed a lady to come into his life and help him with his family. He found Sha on the site and thought she was really pretty and mature, very much his ideal type of woman and he has been in love with her ever since.

Sha is from Sichuan, China, which is a very hot city and famous for its cute pandas. She had been single for a few years and felt so lonely, her life seemed empty when she got home, no kids waiting for her…she thought about having kids in future but she needed an honest man in her life. Since meeting Rob, Sha has never felt lonely again. She says they make the perfect couple.

They saved each other!

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