Alastair, UK

      Dear Behappy2day Team!

     After an exhilarating and unforgettable week in Tver I am back home in England. I was sad to leave not knowing when I shall return. On this my second trip I really had a chance to get to know my lady Oxana, and while her English has improved we could not have managed without an interpreter. For this the agency never failed us and even though most days were public holidays, it seems there is always someone available.

     This time I met so many more of the staff at the agency and I can say that they are all so helpful and understanding. I want to mention them all by name that interpreted for me and Oxana or accompanied or helped me at some time during my stay including Oxana, Olga, Elena, Kate, Maria, Tanya, and Yaffa. Arrangements for dates and travel went like clockwork. I admire the standards the agency sets itself and which everyone who works there takes an obvious pride in.

     Moscow at this time of year (in spite of unseasonable warmth) was an amazing spectacle and Red Square alone was worth the 2 day excursion. But its the people who make the place and after 2 trips I am in love with Russia and its people, and Tver and the Behappy2day team have already given me so many happy memories as well as hopes for the future. I look forward to being back with you soon!

Best wishes ,
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