Alina and Alan

Hel­lo! I am so hap­py to be here! It is a won­der­ful world that has giv­en me the chance to change my life! First of all I want to thank this ser­vice for mak­ing one spe­cial meet­ing hap­pen.... I can now call it a fairy-tale with a hap­py end­ing. Deep in my heart I al­ways knew I would meet some­one, I was nev­er go­ing to stop search­ing. Then bin­go! He came to vis­it me. The date went won­der­ful­ly well! We spent had an amaz­ing week to­gether even if it was some­times a lit­tle dif­fi­cult be­cause my En­glish is not per­fect.

I am the hap­pi­est girl on this plan­et when I am with him. I think it was love at first sight. This feel­ing was so great! He saved me from my lone­li­ness. And I did the same for him! It feels like we un­der­s­tand what each other is think­ing with just one look.

I want to share a few pic­tures with you. On th­ese pho­tos you can see a very hap­py cou­ple. I wish ev­ery­one in the world could ex­pe­ri­ence this feel­ing of be­ing loved! Please, do not give up! One day, soon­er or lat­er you will find your re­al love!


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