Alan and Natasha

It is my turn to tell you about our first date. He came in­­­to my life like a flash­bulb! I liked him im­me­di­ate­­ly! The mo­­ment I saw him, I was smit­ten.

We met at the lo­­cal park in my home town on Sun­­day, three months af­ter we had first met on-line. He asked me to go for a walk and I liked this idea! We had so much to talk about on the walk. I was in­­­cred­i­b­­ly at­­trac­t­ed to his voice! I loved hear­ing his per­­so­n­al sto­ries.

Then we had a din­n­er at my favou­rite res­­tau­rant where I had in­­vit­ed my friends to join us. It was a great night! He felt very com­­fort­able and it was love­­ly for me to re­al­ize that my friends liked him a lot too. Our date end­ed at around mid­night when he hugged me good­bye and we had our first kiss.

Over the next few days, we went on sev­er­al more dates. We did not want to waste any time dur­ing his vis­it to Ukraine. I was just hap­py to be with him! It cer­­tain­­ly wasn’t love at first sight, but we both felt that spe­­cial con­nec­­tion be­tween two souls.

He sent a text af­ter his vis­it to Ukraine to say that he had en­joyed my com­­pany and so hope­­ful­­ly we can have lots of ro­­man­tic dates in the fu­­ture.


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