Tian and Richard

Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere.

Tian and Richard got to know each other through the dat­ing site at a par­ty held by the agen­cy. There were lots of other sin­gle men and wo­m­en in­vit­ed to the par­ty but then they met each other.

Tian told us "Quite frank­ly I did not ex­pect to meet any one at the par­ty but then I met Richard and dis­cov­ered we had lots in com­mon and shared the same sense of hu­mour which is very im­por­tant in a re­la­tion­ship. When he told me that he lived in Chi­na, I was re­al­ly excit­ed and we be­gan to chat more of­ten, calling each other and send­ing mes­sages when­ev­er we had the time.

I still re­mem­ber the time we went on our first date alone to­gether with­out any friends or agen­cy staff. We just kept talk­ing and talk­ing, it felt very easy to be with each other. I found Richard ex­treme­ly in­ter­est­ing and, what is more, he is al­so a re­al gentle­man. Af­ter that date we be­came very spe­cial friends. I have to say thank you so much to this site for bring­ing us to­gether and we both know there is more for us to­gether in the fu­ture. When we have some more good news I will share it with you.

I wish ev­ery­one good luck in your search for love and please don’t ev­er give up hope."

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