Mat­thew and Juan Zhang

Mat­thew saw Juan Zhang’s pic­tures on the web­site and start­ed talk­ing to her straight away.

Mat­thew is a chef and he’s very in­ter­est­ed in Chi­nese food. He used to be doubt­ful about on­line dat­ing but, when he saw Juan and start­ed talk­ing to her and gett­ing to know her, he thought it was tru­ly mag­i­cal. He said that she’s per­fect for him and he couldn’t ask for more. He’s re­al­ly hap­py that he can en­joy Chi­nese food while dat­ing Juan — it’s like a dream come true.

On the other hand, at first Juan had no in­ter­est in Mat­thew but even­tu­al­ly she could re­sist his chas­ing no longer and dis­cov­ered that she did in fact find him very at­trac­tive. She said Mat­thew even learned Chi­nese for her and she knows how hard that is for an Amer­i­can. She said Mat­thew makes her laugh all the time.

Now they’re mar­ried and are so hap­py with each other. We wish them a won­der­ful life to­gether.

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