Leonard and Ying

Ying is an out­go­ing and ac­tive wo­m­an who ap­proach­es life with a pos­i­tive at­ti­tude. She be­lieves in fate and that if two peo­ple are not destined to be to­gether then their re­la­tion­ship will not last. Leo­nard is an Amer­i­can with a spe­cial in­ter­est in Chi­nese cul­ture who has been fond of Chi­nese food and his­to­ry since his child­hood. He al­ways want­ed to find a Chi­nese lady to be his wife so he signed up to the dat­ing site to try to find a tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese wo­m­an.

Af­ter he had read her pro­file and seen her pho­to­graphs, Leo­nard was fas­ci­nat­ed by Ying. He took the ini­tia­tive and be­gan to chat with Ying who, to his sur­prise, liked him very much. So, they chatt­ed for two years dur­ing which time they talked a lot about their ex­pe­ri­ences of love, their ide­al part­n­er and their hopes and ex­pec­ta­tions for the fu­ture. Ying al­so taught Leo­nard some Chi­nese so they were able to hap­pi­ly chat to each other.

Their first meet­ing was at the air­port. Ying went there with her younger sis­ter, they both felt excit­ed and hap­py. When Leo­nard and Ying fi­nal­ly met, they were more cer­tain than ev­er that they had each found the per­son they were look­ing for. Ying in­vit­ed Leo­nard to her home and cooked a lot of Chi­nese food for him. Leo­nard loved it. They agreed to be with each other for the rest of their days.

Let's wish them ev­ery hap­pi­ness.

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