Valeria and Simon

I would like to tell you about my ex­pe­ri­ence with vir­tu­al dat­ing. I met a man from Eng­land through the in­ter­net and af­ter we had cor­re­spond­ed for a while we de­cid­ed to meet in per­son. Si­mon was hap­py to vis­it me.

Our first date to­gether was a walk fol­lowed by din­n­er at a lo­cal res­tau­rant. Even though it would on­ly be for a few hours, this date was a chance for me to spend some much need­ed time with the man of my dreams. It felt tru­ly mag­i­cal fi­nal­ly hav­ing Si­mon so close to me and know­ing that he liked me a lot.

Our first date, that date with my new friend with whom I now share an es­pe­cial­ly close re­la­tion­ship, was in­deed a mar­vel­lous ex­pe­ri­ence. Look­ing back on it now, I can hon­est­ly say there is noth­ing that I would have changed about our first meet­ing.

To tell you a lit­tle more about his vis­it, we spent an amaz­ing week to­gether in my na­tive town. My fam­i­ly and friends liked him very much. This spring I plan to vis­it him! I re­al­ly feel this is the start of some­thing se­ri­ous and genuine! Wish me good luck!


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