Waine and Alexandra

Alexan­dra and Waine built their re­la­tion­ship brick by brick - first with let­ters and chats on the dat­ing site and then dur­ing cor­re­spon­dence through pri­vate let­ters.

Alexan­dra's op­ti­mism and sin­cer­i­ty and the open­ness of Waine show that this cou­ple are com­mitt­ed to their hap­pi­ness to­gether. Lan­guage was the first bar­ri­er to over­come so Alexan­dra at­tend­ed En­glish lan­guage class­es in Odes­sa with such suc­cess that they did not re­quire the as­sis­tance of trans­la­tor for their first meet­ing. They had prac­ticed a lot dur­ing their Skype and tele­phone con­ver­sa­tions so the first meet­ing in Odes­sa was tru­ly won­der­ful.

“The best way to get to know a per­son is look them eye to eye in re­al life” - Alexan­dra and Waine proved this quote to be true when they met. The first mo­ment that they looked in­to each other's eyes, they knew what they felt and then they be­gan to get to know each other even bet­ter which on­ly in­creased their love.

We wish this amaz­ing cou­ple many long and hap­py years to­gether. We are proud of their love!

We be­lieve in mir­a­cles! Chase your dreams!

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