Roy and Patricia

Roy wants to say a big thank you to our agen­cy be­cause now he has found his soul­mate.

He says:

“I worked very hard, that’s why I felt lone­ly. I had al­ways looked for a Latin wo­m­an and I pre­ferred Colom­bian ladies be­cause my friend and neigh­bor has a won­der­ful Colom­bian wife. He has made a love­ly fam­i­ly with her and their chil­dren. I re­al­ly want­ed the same type of re­la­tion­ship.

Pa­tri­cia came in­to my life af­ter I had spent two years look­ing for the right wo­m­an. I fell in love with Pa­tri­cia’s smile and the col­or of her skin.

We had to chat us­ing a trans­la­tor and then, af­ter a few months of chatt­ing, I went to Cali in Colom­bia to meet her. That was the best jour­ney of my life!

My va­ca­tion in Cali with Pa­tri­cia was so per­fect! She was even bet­ter than I had ex­pect­ed. Her fam­i­ly was very wel­com­ing to­wards me dur­ing my vis­it.

Meet­ing Pa­tri­cia was the best thing that has ev­er hap­pened to me. I in­vit­ed her to come to my coun­try and now we are plan­n­ing our wed­d­ing. We will defi­nite­ly share that with you.”

Pa­tri­cia told us:

“I’ve nev­er ex­pect­ed that when I joined the agen­cy I would re­ceive a mes­sage so quick­ly invit­ing me to meet Roy. He sent me let­ters and I thought, why not? He was hand­some and cute and be­cause he looked like such a nice per­son, I de­cid­ed to meet him!

And then, once we start­ed chatt­ing, we were nev­er apart again. Ev­ery day, ev­ery night we chatt­ed... I wait­ed for him to come on­line to talk. And then, one day, he visit­ed me in my ci­ty and pro­posed to me in front of all my fam­i­ly.

Now I live with Roy in Ger­many. I am study­ing the lan­guage and mak­ing plans with my fiancé.

We are plan­n­ing our life to­gether and I hope lots of ladies from my coun­try will meet a good man like I have. Roy is my love, my friend and my life part­n­er.

In this pho­to we are in Spain vis­it­ing one of the beach­es we went to on a sum­mer holi­day.

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