Vearl and Svetlana

From the US to Ukraine: chem­istry at first sight…

Vearl and Svet­la­na had been cor­re­spond­ing by let­ter for a long time and, day by day, the con­tent of their let­ters be­came more and more in­ti­mate. Vearl comes from the USA, a huge coun­try where there are many skies of dif­fer­ent col­ors with dif­fer­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties. Svet­la­na comes from Ukraine, a coun­try with a chang­ing sky­line and an amaz­ing his­to­ry. Any­way, ev­er since their first com­mu­ni­ca­tion they both felt that they were liv­ing un­der the same sky! Through let­ters and chats they shared their life ex­pe­ri­ences and found out they had a lot of things in com­mon, so they de­cid­ed to fi­nal­ly meet in Kiev.

Vearl trav­elled from the US to Kiev in May 2018 just to meet Svet­la­na. They met in a love­ly café in the cen­ter of Kiev cho­sen by Vearl. Svet­la­na joined him there and, from the very first glance, she liked him. She found him to be a re­al gentle­man with a great sense of hu­mor and a nice man­n­er. She was so pos­i­tive­ly im­pressed by him… They talked for hours about their lives and their ex­pe­ri­ences; nei­ther of them could be­lieve that fi­nal­ly they were shar­ing their emo­tions face to face.

Af­ter a few days Vearl had to re­turn to the US but they cont­in­ued to keep in touch and their mu­tu­al in­ter­ests grew even more than be­fore. Svet­la­na want­ed so much to see Vearl again and, af­ter a few months, he de­cid­ed to re­turn to Kiev. He could not wait any longer to see Svet­la­na again …
They met each other in a cool Italian res­tau­rant where they spent an amaz­ing time, talk­ing and laugh­ing as if they had known each other for years… the feel­ings they had for each other were con­firmed with the back­drop of a beau­ti­ful au­tumn af­ter­noon in Kiev! Who knows if, soon­er or lat­er, Svet­la­na will move to the US to live with Vearl… We wish them the very best!

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