Harold and Wendy Wang

Look­ing at this pic­ture, we can see how hap­py Har­ry and Wendy are to­gether.

Harold and Wendy Wang have come a long way since they first met. Harold is 62 years old and a re­tired col­lege pro­fes­sor. He had de­vot­ed his life to teach­ing and so left him­self ba­si­cal­ly no time for so­cial­iz­ing with other peo­ple. He told us that he was no good at all at mak­ing con­ver­sa­tion de­spite be­ing a pro­fes­sor but when he be­gan writ­ing to Wendy he gra­d­u­al­ly be­come more out­go­ing and dif­fer­ent some­how.

Wendy ex­plained to Harold that, since she had di­vorced her hus­band, she had brought up their child as a sin­gle par­ent which was ex­treme­ly ex­haust­ing. Per­haps that is what brought Wendy and Harold to­gether. They had each faced count­less ob­s­ta­cles to be with each other but they over­came them all for the sake of love.

Harold had nev­er left Amer­i­ca but, af­ter writ­ing to each other for sev­er­al years, he de­cid­ed to vis­it Wendy. Af­ter they had dat­ed for a few months, they de­cid­ed to get mar­ried and now all they have left is a won­der­ful life to­gether.

We are tru­ly hap­py to see their wed­d­ing and hope Harold and Wendy’s mar­ri­age will last for­ev­er.

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