Ben and Jian Ying

Jian Ying and Ben met each other on the dat­ing site.

Jian Ying is 47 years old, very nice and friend­ly and she is a teach­er from Chang­sha. She has known Ben ev­er since she joined the dat­ing site and at first it was dif­fi­cult to com­mu­ni­cate un­til Ben start­ed to teach Jian Ying En­glish. Then they were in con­tact all the time, writ­ing to each other and chatt­ing to each other via video or on the phone.

Jian Ying told us that Ben was a very good En­glish teach­er and, even be­fore they met in re­al life, they were able to com­mu­ni­cate with each other re­al­ly well.

Ben told us that when he first saw Jian Ying on the web­site she had short hair and, al­though he pre­fers ladies with long hair, af­ter a while he was re­al­ly tak­en by her per­so­n­al­i­ty so, af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for six months, they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life.

The mo­ment they met, Ben told us that he fell in love with this lady. He had a won­der­ful time in Chi­na, they went trav­elling to­gether and en­joyed spend­ing time with each other and now Ben says they are gett­ing on so well that he wants to mar­ry Jian Ying.

We wish them all the best and hope they cre­ate a hap­py life to­gether.

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