Adriano and Ekaterina

Hi, my name is Eka­te­ri­na. I want to share with you my pos­i­tive ex­pe­ri­ence on this site! I am very glad that I reg­is­tered be­cause I be­lieve that we should use ev­ery chance to find hap­pi­ness. I al­so be­lieve in destiny and true love. I be­gan com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Adriano, who is from Ita­ly, sev­er­al months ago and we soon felt that we had a lot in com­mon. We didn’t care that there was thou­sands of kilome­ters be­tween us, we just en­joyed our com­mu­ni­ca­tion and want­ed to meet each other in re­al life one day.

I wor­ried about the first meet­ing but thanks to the site and the agen­cy we had a trans­la­tor who helped us to un­der­s­tand each other and so our meet­ing was very pleas­ant. I en­joyed it very much. We felt like we had known each other for ages! It was a very pos­i­tive and re­al­ly use­ful ex­pe­ri­ence.

We should be­lieve in fate and open our souls and hearts and on­ly then we will meet our true love! Many thanks to the site for such a great meet­ing. Do not be afraid and take your chance to find hap­pi­ness!



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