Babbken and Naira

Hel­lo Ev­ery­one!

I’m Bab­bken and this is my love­ly wife Nai­ra! I would like to share our love sto­ry with you and al­so say to thank you to this agen­cy for help­ing me to meet the true love of my life.

Our re­la­tion­ship in fact be­gan long be­fore we met when we were just writ­ing let­ters to get to know each other. I can’t ex­plain the feel­ing ev­ery time I opened a let­ter from Nai­ra and start­ed to read it. My heart filled with joy, hap­pi­ness and excite­ment. I spent the days just dream­ing about the time when I could fi­nal­ly meet my Nai­ra. And then at last that day came and I went to Ar­me­nia.

We had won­der­ful time to­gether in Ar­me­nia and what we had felt for each other through our cor­re­spon­dence ac­tu­al­ly came alive in the re­al life. I be­came the hap­pi­est man in the world. She is my love, my soul­mate who makes my life brighter and more col­or­ful. We got mar­ried in Ar­me­nia. That was such a won­der­ful day, we went to church to get mar­ried of­fi­cial­ly which was per­fect. Now I have an in­cred­i­ble life with Nai­ra and from now on I will en­cour­age all my friends to try to find their soul­mates through this agen­cy. Thank you once more for your gener­ous sup­port.







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