Ulf and Lusy

The world was trans­formed for­ev­er for me when I met my love­ly Ulf. It is such a won­der­ful feel­ing when one starts think­ing about and feel­ing things in a dif­fer­ent way, how I look at ev­ery­thing pos­i­tive­ly, how I love it when he smiles, how I al­ways think about him and feel so very hap­py. I ex­pe­ri­enced all th­ese af­ter I met Ulf. He has to­tal­ly changed my life and made it much more col­or­ful.

Our sto­ry be­gan with just a let­ter but now it will cont­in­ue for­ev­er. Af­ter a short time cor­re­spond­ing, Ulf de­cid­ed he want­ed to meet me in re­al life so he came to vis­it me in Ar­me­nia. Al­though I was look­ing for­ward to the day when we would fi­nal­ly meet, I didn’t have any re­al ex­pec­ta­tions.

It was hard for me to hope that the beau­ty con­tained within our let­ters could be­come a re­al­i­ty. Life is nev­er with­out dif­fi­cul­ties and, for us there was the lan­guage bar­ri­er as well as the dis­tance be­tween us. How­ev­er, when peo­ple tru­ly love each other they do ev­ery­thing they can to reach each other and noth­ing can stop them.

Now I am such a hap­py wo­m­an be­cause I have Ulf as my hus­band. He re­al­ly is my ev­ery­thing and I am sure that our love will nev­er end. We will be hap­py for­ev­er…

Greet­ings from Nor­way.

Your Lusy

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