Derrick and Darya

I came to this site to find the man of my dreams who might be­come my fu­ture hus­band. I met Der­rick, who is 62 years and lives in the USA where he is a pro­fes­sor at an in­sti­tute. We start­ed chatt­ing and, af­ter just 30 min­utes, we re­al­ized that we were in­ter­est­ed in each other and that we want­ed to meet in re­al life.

Der­rick said he could come to me in Kharkov but I did not re­al­ly be­lieve that he was ready to do that. I nev­er be­lieve just in words, ac­tions mean much more to me. So we cor­re­spond­ed by let­ter and we learned to get to know each other bet­ter. Then the day came when he flew to the Ukraine. I was glad and sur­prised that I was fi­nal­ly meet­ing the man who had kept his promise and come to vis­it me. We agreed to meet on Sun­day and we were to be pro­vid­ed with an in­ter­preter so that we would un­der­s­tand each other prop­er­ly.

The Sun­day came, I was very wor­ried about what to ex­pect from the meet­ing be­cause there was a dif­fer­ence in our cul­ture and lan­guage. Some things could be strange for an Amer­i­can. I had imagined how Der­rick would be in re­al­i­ty. In my mind, I had paint­ed a por­trait of him and thought about things he had said, about the meet­ing and how to be­have, about the dif­fer­ences in age and lan­guages. So, when it was time for the meet­ing I got dressed, put on make-up and went to the place where we had ar­ranged to meet. We met near the Chateau res­tau­rant, which is lo­cat­ed in the heart of Kharkov near the opera house... af­ter our ro­man­tic meet­ing, I felt many emo­tions. I liked Der­rick and he was bet­ter than my ex­pec­ta­tions. He was cheer­ful and he even danced. It was fun and I liked it. We spent 3 hours to­gether but the time passed very quick­ly and it was sad to say good­bye. Out­side, the weather was won­der­ful and, thanks to Ali­na, we could eas­i­ly un­der­s­tand each other and not feel awk­ward. I re­al­ly en­joyed the whole day and our meet­ing! I ap­pre­ci­ate when a man ful­fills his promis­es and is ready to fly many kilome­ters for our meet­ing. This shows a great de­sire to get to know each other bet­ter and the fact that the man is as se­ri­ous about a re­la­tion­ship as I am. Many thanks to this site for the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet such a de­cent man. I do not know how this sto­ry will turn out, but I do be­lieve in a hap­py fu­ture.


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