Adriano and Alina

I have to tell you that go­ing on a dat­ing site was some­thing re­al­ly new to me.

I could nev­er imagine that one day I would meet some­one like Adriano. I had lost hope and did not ex­pect that join­ing the site would bring a re­sult. I have to say that we cor­re­spond­ed for some time, chatt­ed, sent each other pho­tos, songs, our fa­vorite videos….

I was in­ter­est­ed in Adriano and I thought about meet­ing him but I did not know how to suggest this. I need not have wor­ried, he is a re­al gentle­man and made the sugges­tion first. I was re­al­ly glad but wor­ried a lot be­cause com­mu­ni­cat­ing over the In­ter­net and in re­al life are two very dif­fer­ent things. But, ev­ery­thing was ex­cel­lent…we were both very hap­py.

So, now I want to give a lit­tle piece of ad­vice to sin­gle men and wo­m­en – be brave, take a risk and make steps to­wards each other! We on­ly live once so let’s try things with­out he­s­i­ta­tion.

This is my sto­ry and I am glad to have had such a great ex­pe­ri­ence and I am al­so pleased that my sto­ry can in­spire other cou­ples who are wait­ing to meet. Let’s do it!


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