Jon and Lilit

I hope that my sto­ry sets a great ex­am­ple for others to show them not to be afraid, to do some­thing re­al and search for their hap­pi­ness.

I re­mem­ber when I first got a let­ter from Jon. It was a nice day and I thought at the time, why not? Why not try, be­cause it seemed we had some­thing in com­mon. I de­cid­ed to get to know him and ev­ery time I re­ceived a let­ter I re­mem­ber that my day al­ways seemed brighter. I wait­ed ev­ery day for one of his let­ters. In fact, we cor­re­spond­ed for a long time so that we could get to know each other com­plete­ly, our char­ac­teris­tics, skills, in­ter­ests as well as our hopes and plans for the fu­ture. It is a nice feel­ing when you get up in in the morn­ing and the first thing you do is check the post to see if he has writ­ten to you again. I loved that feel­ing, I loved feel­ing ap­pre­ci­at­ed and cared for.

Af­ter we had cor­re­spond­ed for some time, Jon came to Ar­me­nia and we met for the first time in re­al life. It was so nice to see all that you had read about in your let­ters be­come a re­al one per­son. I felt that he was the one, he was the man I want­ed to be with for­ev­er.

That is why af­ter his vis­it I went to Aus­tralia to meet him there as well. For­tu­nate­ly, fate made a de­ci­sion for us and, while I was in Aus­tralia, we de­cid­ed to get mar­ried so I stayed there and we be­came hus­band and wife.

Now I have a hap­py and exc­it­ing life with a won­der­ful hus­band who is al­ways there to love and sup­port me.



My Lilit from Ar­me­nia is all things to me - wo­m­an, part­n­er, lover, god­dess. I love her, need her, de­sire her and adore her and - on Fe­bruary 21 - I made her my wife. She adores me and shows her love in many won­der­ful ways. How can a 54 year old Dra­ma teach­er from Ade­laide get so lucky?

My 42 year old wife from Ar­me­nia has wait­ed all her life for a man who would love her with pas­sion, de­vo­tion and care for her in a way that her beau­ty de­mands. She is out­ward­ly beau­ti­ful, but even more so in her mind, heart and soul.

If this is what you - the West­ern man read­ing this pro­file wants - then go for it, my brother. What do you have to fear but some slight­ly scary cred­it card state­ments and con­ster­na­tion from fam­i­ly and friends who nev­er went out­side the square and there­fore don't un­der­s­tand what you are think­ing? Be­lieve me, you can change all of that and make your dreams come true, if you back your­self as a man of in­tegri­ty and suf­fi­cient sub­s­tance to af­ford some in­ter­na­tio­n­al trav­el and the brains and nerve to deal with bur­geon­ing love in two dif­fer­ent lan­guages. My friends and fam­i­ly moved from re­gard­ing me as some­one go­ing soft in the head to a group that em­braced my Lilit as sis­ter and friend and made her a part of the fam­i­ly. You can do it as well.

Our ini­tial three month visa time to­gether in Ade­laide, South Aus­tralia, has passed as if in a gor­geous dream, fol­low­ing on from our ini­tial ten days to­gether in Yere­van, Ar­me­nia's cap­i­tal. We shared an Aus­tralian Christ­mas and new year and she has re­mained for the max­i­mum three months al­lowed by her ini­tial visa to Aus­tralia. The pro­to­col dic­tates that the man should vis­it the wo­m­an in her home­land at first, as I did.

I en­cour­age all red-blood­ed West­ern men seek­ing a femi­nine, beau­ti­ful, lov­ing wo­m­an for a wife to ex­plore this site. Be hon­est with your­self and your cho­sen lady. In­vest the time and mon­ey and you will be re­paid in mul­ti­ples of love and joy, as I have.

We mar­ried just be­fore Lilit's tourist visa re­quired her to re­turn to Ar­me­nia. We have com­menced plan­n­ing to have her re­turn on a Spouse visa. I en­cour­age all West­ern men seek­ing a lov­ing, beau­ti­ful wife to look no fur­ther than this well-run web­site for the an­sw­er to your dreams and de­sires.

Don't be daunt­ed by the red tape, de­spite the amount of it. If you are sin­cere and true to your­self and the lady you find, you will know the hap­pi­ness that my Lilit and I now share. As the ad says: Just do it.


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