Mark and Armine

The first time that I met my love­­ly Mark in re­al life I was, to be hon­est, amazed and just couldn’t be­lieve it was re­al. I was so hap­py to fi­­nal­­ly meet the man of my dreams who I had spent hours talk­ing to, lis­ten­ing to his voice, get­t­ing to know him.

We had in fact cor­re­spond­ed for quite a long time and dur­ing that time had a lot of video chats to­gether as well as some tele­­phone calls. This helped us to be­­come clos­er and get to know each other bet­ter but when I ac­­tu­al­­ly met Mark, I can­not de­scribe my feel­ings in words.

I be­lieve the best de­­ci­­sion I have ev­er made in my life is to be with my love, my Mark.


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