Howard and Veronika

I am writ­ing this sto­ry with a smile on my face. Howard ap­­peared in my life so sud­­den­­ly but now he is a mas­­sive part of me, he is my soul­­mate! I am sure it was our destiny to meet each other!

When I saw his first mes­sage some­thing hap­pened in­­­side my soul. His eyes were the first thing I no­ticed. I re­al­­ly was glad that we both had the same goals, that we were look­ing for a se­ri­ous re­la­­tion­­ship and thanks to the agen­­cy we had the op­­por­­tu­ni­­ty to meet in re­al life! So we met and now we are like one per­­son!

Our first date was in Kharkov, with­­out any res­­tau­rants or any­thing like that, we just walked around talk­ing about any­thing and ev­ery­thing. I learned that we were both fond of trav­elling, so now we trav­el across the Ukraine and ex­pe­ri­ence new scen­ery and cre­ate new me­m­ories!

I re­al­­ly did not ex­pect to find the man for me from another coun­try, but I did! And the most won­der­­ful thing was that the agen­­cy was genuine, it re­al­­ly wan­t­ed to help me find hap­pi­­ness and I did! Now I am in love.

I am not sure what will hap­pen in the next few years but I am hap­py with Howard and this is more im­­por­­tant for now! He makes me feel safe and se­cure about my fu­­ture!

I have some ad­vice for the ladies, don't be afraid to try your luck on dat­ing sites! Be as­­sured, men from the other coun­tries are re­al­­ly look­ing for love and we Ukrai­­nian ladies can share our love and our lives with them!


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