Kevin and Madle­na

Hel­lo I am Madle­na from Ar­me­nia. I would like to ex­press my sin­cere thanks to the won­der­ful agen­cy for their in­cred­i­ble work and I would es­pe­cial­ly like to men­tion the Ar­me­nian branch for their hon­es­ty and pro­fes­sio­n­al­ism.

The world changed in my eyes when I met my love­ly Kevin. Af­ter a short while cor­re­spond­ing with each other, Kevin de­cid­ed to come to Ar­me­nia to vis­it me. Al­though I was look­ing for­ward to our meet­ing, I couldn’t help feel­ing excit­ed and con­fused. It was hard for me to com­pre­hend that the beau­ty of all our let­ters could ac­tu­al­ly turn in­to re­al­i­ty.

Of course, life is nev­er with­out dif­fi­cul­ties and the first one for us was the lan­guage bar­ri­er. Nev­er­the­less, when peo­ple love each other, they can over­come all those dif­fi­cul­ties, even with just with love­ly smiles to start with.

Now we are very hap­py, we have a nice col­or­ful life to­gether. In the sum­mer, we usu­al­ly vis­it Ar­me­nia to meet our friends there and en­joy a holi­day. I am sure that our mar­ri­age will last for­ev­er.

Greet­ings from US.





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