Dennis and Julia

Good af­ter­noon! Greet­ings from the ci­ty of Hadera in Is­rael! I want to share my hap­pi­ness with you! There are a lot of dif­fer­ent and con­flict­ing opinions about dat­ing sites but here is my love sto­ry! My hap­py sto­ry! How I met my destiny!

Al­though I had used the site for sev­er­al years, I nev­er lost hope of suc­cess. I was sure I would meet my man here and, as al­ways, hap­pi­ness comes along un­ex­pect­ed­ly. This par­tic­u­lar day was no dif­fer­ent from a dozen other days but then I re­ceived a mes­sage from a man… I opened his pro­file… and it was like a thun­der­bolt! I phys­i­cal­ly felt Cu­pid’s ar­row pierc­ing my heart!

Events soon de­vel­oped rapid­ly and within a month we met! The meet­ing was in Kiev. It was so ro­man­tic and exc­it­ing! We could not be with­out each other! Spring blessed the be­gin­n­ing of our re­la­tion­ship, half a year flew so quick­ly and then in Septem­ber, my Den­nis asked me to be his wife!

I want ev­ery­one who reads this let­ter to feel pos­i­tive emo­tions and be­lieve with con­fi­dence that hap­pi­ness is very close! I sin­cere­ly wish you to find your own soul mate!

Spe­cial thanks to the staff of the agen­cy and the staff of the site. Their well or­ganized and pro­fes­sio­n­al work de­serves much re­spect. With their help and ef­forts my hus­band and I had the chance to meet each other.

Dear men and girls! Please use this chance to find each other! Let the uni­verse make you hap­py! Do not doubt your­self, cre­ate your pro­files and find hap­pi­ness!

With re­gards, Ju­lia and Den­nis.

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