Tommy and Angela

Like many fate­ful meet­ings, my ac­quain­tance with Tom­my be­gan quite by ac­ci­dent. One night when I couldn’t sleep I de­cid­ed to look at the pro­files of men on the site. I was in­vit­ed to chat by a very nice man who in­vit­ed me to cof­fee!

That night! It turned out that he was in my ci­ty. There was no end to my sur­prise. At the time I had not learned to speak En­glish so the trans­la­tor agreed to help me. Of course, this was a re­al ad­ven­ture but I de­cid­ed to take a chance!

We met. We spent a won­der­ful hour and a half to­gether! We chatt­ed, we held hands, we laughed. We were so excit­ed to meet each other and we met again the next day which was Tom­my’s last day in Niko­laev.

It was a month be­fore Tom­my came to vis­it me again but we kept in touch all the time we were apart. He sent me flow­ers through the in­ter­net. He spoilt me and made me feel like a re­al wo­m­an. When he ar­rived in Niko­laev, I in­tro­duced him to my whole fam­i­ly and then he asked my mother for “my hand and heart”. It was touch­ing, so ro­man­tic, ev­ery­one cried tears of hap­pi­ness for us.

A month lat­er we were mar­ried in the Ukraine and be­gan to pre­pare the doc­u­ments ne­ces­sary for my visa.

Now we live in Nor­way. I'm learn­ing Nor­we­gian, work­ing as an artist. Nor­way is a won­der­ful coun­try with very beau­ti­ful scen­ery and love­ly friend­ly peo­ple.

My life has changed a lot since gett­ing to know my Tom­my and that is some­thing I am so very hap­py about. I urge all those who hope to find love on this site to be hon­est and open. Many Ukrai­nian girls dream of meet­ing their per­fect match on the in­ter­net and, like Tom­my did, ev­ery man has the chance to find love and hap­pi­ness with a kind and car­ing Slav­ic girl.

An­gela and Tom­my.

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