Angelina and Ray

I met Ray, when I didn't ex­pect it hon­est­ly. He an­sw­ered me when I didn't have any hope that we would find so much in com­mon. We have the same sense of hu­mor. I found it one of the most im­por­tant things. When peo­ple are laugh­ing from each other's jokes they be­come clos­er.

It was even more un­ex­pect­ed to hear that very soon he would be in my coun­try. Day by day we start­ed to talk more and more and now I don't know how to spend the day with­out my dear friend. We spent amaz­ing even­ings in Kiev. Walk­ing and talk­ing a lot was so easy like we had known each other for many years be­fore this meet­ing. I found this man ex­treme­ly in­ter­est­ing. In ad­di­tion he is a re­al gentle­man.

We be­came re­al­ly good friends and now we are wait­ing for a fu­ture meet­ing.

I'm thank­ful to the site and my agen­cy for giv­ing me an op­por­tu­ni­ty to the per­son. Life it's is a se­ries of de­ci­sions which we are tak­ing ev­ery se­cond. I'm glad that it brought Ray to me.

I wish ev­ery­one good luck and to not lose your good de­ci­sions.


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